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Your Essential Newborn Baby Shopping List

Drake Deaton
Updated  Jan 18, 2023

Having a newborn can be both an exciting and overwhelming experience, especially if it's your first time. There are so many things to consider and prepare for, and it's easy to feel like you need to have everything perfect before your little one arrives.

Shopping for Your Newborn

While it's true that there are some essential items you'll want to shop for, it's also important to remember that babies are very adaptable and don't need too much in the way of material possessions. With that in mind, here are the first 10 things to buy before your newborn arrives:

Newborn Car Seat

If you're driving you'll need to shop for car seat. It's the law to have a car seat for your baby, and it's essential for keeping your baby safe while traveling. Make sure to read the instructions carefully and have it installed correctly before bringing your baby home from the hospital. Be sure to choose one that is the right size for a newborn and can be rear-facing (with the baby facing backwards while travelling.)

father fasten his baby in car seat 2021 09 02 10 31 03 utc

Cot or Bassinet

You'll baby will need a safe place to sleep once born. Having a bassinet or bed-side cot can be a life-saver in the first few months. After that you’ll likely need to buy a full-size cot. Choose one that meets current safety standards and has a firm, flat mattress.

millennial mixed race mother sitting on her bed co 2021 08 26 16 13 28 utc

Nappies, Wipes & Muslins

You'll go through a lot of nappies in the first few weeks, so it's a good idea to have a supply on hand. You'll also need baby wipes for nappy changes, as well as for cleaning up messes. Babies typically use 5-10 nappies per day in the first few months.

concentrated young father changing the nappy to hi 2022 12 15 18 17 14 utc

Many parents now choose to buy washable nappies and wipes, which is a great eco-friendly option that reduces waste. Did you know a single nappy takes around 500 years to break down in landfill! There are some great resources online to help you choose from all the different designs available. Many councils also offer

Vests & Onesies

Your baby will need plenty of vests and onesies, as well as a wrap or snowsuit, hats, socks and blankets to keep them warm when out and about. In the early weeks, you'll want to dress your baby in thin layers usually in a vest and a onesie.

little baby girl getting dressed by her mother 2021 08 26 12 08 18 utc

Be sure to not to put on too many layers on; newborn babies can’t sweat and so their body temperature can be hard to regulate. It’s also good idea to choose clothes with poppers or zips in the early weeks as they’re the easiest for those midnight changes.

Kids clothes subscription services are a great way to get regular wardobe updates as your little ones growing  without filling the attic! Belles and Babe and Graceful Changes and


mother enjoying walk carrying her little child in 2021 08 29 18 19 30 utc

A pram or stroller is a very handy item to buy, especially if you have other children or plan on doing a lot of walking. Look for one that's lightweight and easy to manoeuvre. A set which allows you to transfer your car seat onto the base of the pram can be really useful in the first few weeks.

Changing Table and Mat

While you can change your baby's diaper anywhere, having a dedicated changing area can make the process a little easier. A changing table with storage for nappies, wipes and clothes is especially convenient.

happy mother with baby girl on changing table at h 2021 08 28 16 32 18 utc

A caddy or bag with a few changing essentials to keep with you around the house is also great to have to hand for those unexpected emergencies.

Baby Carrier or Sling

A baby carrier is a great way to keep your hands free while still being able to hold your baby close. Look for one that's comfortable and easy to use. Carriers range from soft cloth options, great for those first few weeks and around the house, to more structured options for out and about as your little one grows.

same sex female couple with baby daughter in sling 2022 02 08 22 39 30 utc

Baby Bath

Babies don’t need to be bathed in the first few days, when it’s better to wash them with cotton wool and warm water only. After that a baby bath can save a lot of time and backache! Be sure to check the temperature is warm but not hot every time you bath your little one.

baby boy having a bath 2022 03 07 23 54 02 utc

Generally newborn babies don’t need soaps on their skin, which can wash off all the natural oils needed for healthy skin. Opt instead for warm water and a little natural oil (like olive oil) for those dry spots.

The Shnuggle bath is a great option which has been ergonomically designed to help support young babies.

Bottles, Steriliser & Breast Pump

If you're planning to formula or mix feed you’ll need bottles with newborn teats and a steriliser. Even if you’re planning to breastfeed, a pump and bottles will mean you can express milk for family and/or caregivers to give when you're away from your baby.

boy feeding newborn baby with bottle of milk 2022 02 02 03 48 28 utc 1

You may want to wait until your baby arrives and you’ve started to get your head around how your baby is feeding before buying lots of bottles and feeding kit.

Baby Bag

A dedicated bag to put all your babies essentials in when out and about is a must. Choose one with plenty of pockets and sections, and is made of a material that can be easily cleaned. A rucksack or over-shoulder design, and one that can clip onto your pram or stroller is helpful to keep your hands free.

changing bag

These are just a few of the things you may want to consider buying before your newborn arrives. Remember to take your time and don't feel like you have to have everything perfectly in place before your baby comes. Your baby won't care if the nursery isn't decorated to perfection, and you'll have plenty of time to figure things out as you go along.

Did you know that the Poppet community is a great place to find more helpful tips and resources for your family as well as flexible childcare from local parents and trusted caregivers, all at the touch of a button. Register here today!

Written by Drake Deaton

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What will I need to buy for a newborn baby?
When preparing for a newborn baby, there are a few essentials you'll need to purchase. These include clothing, such as onesies, socks, and hats, as well as diapers/nappies and wipes. A crib/cot or bassinet and sheets, are also necessary. Additionally, you'll need to have feeding supplies, including bottles and formula if you're not breastfeeding. Other useful items include a baby monitor, a stroller/pushchair, and a car seat if travelling by car.
What are the 5 basic needs of a newborn baby?
The 5 basic needs of a newborn baby are food, sleep, warmth, hygiene, and love. Food is essential for growth and development, while sleep allows the body to rest and recharge. Newborns need warmth to maintain their body temperature, and proper hygiene is crucial to keep them healthy. Love and affection are necessary for the baby's emotional well-being and development.
How much does a pushchair cost?
The cost of a pushchair can vary widely depending on the brand, style, and features. Basic models can be found for as little as £50-£100, while high-end models with advanced features can cost £500 or more. The average cost for a good quality pushchair with standard features is around £200-£300. It's important to research and compare prices to find a pushchair that fits your needs and budget.
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