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Fever with Shivering in Your Baby

Gemma Jones
Updated  Dec 27, 2022

Fever with shivering in babies can be a worrying symptom for parents, but it's important to remember that fever is a natural response of the body to fight off infection and is generally not harmful on its own. Here are a few things to keep in mind if your baby has a fever with shivering.

Measure Temperature Regularly

Take your baby's temperature regularly. It's important to monitor your baby's temperature to ensure it doesn't get too high. You should use a digital thermometer to take your baby's temperature as this is the most accurate method for babies and children. You can buy these online or from pharmacies and most large supermarkets. Use the thermometer in the armpit with children under 1 years.

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A normal body temperature for a baby is around 98.6°F (37°C), but it's normal for it to vary by a degree or two. A fever is generally considered to be a temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher.

Stay Hydrated

Keep your baby hydrated. Fever can cause your baby to lose fluids more quickly, so it's important to offer your baby plenty of fluids to drink. Breast milk or formula is generally the best choice for babies under 6 months old, while babies over 6 months old can also have water and other fluids.

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Fruit-based ice lollies are also a great way to get your little one to take fluid, sugar and also lower a temperature.

Dress in Light Clothing

Dress your baby in light clothing. It's important to keep your baby comfortable while they have a fever. Dress your baby in lightweight clothing and avoid bundling them up, as this can make them too warm. You can also use a lightweight blanket to cover your baby if they feel cold.

Fever-Reducing Medicines

Use fever-reducing medication if necessary. If your baby's fever is causing them discomfort your doctor may recommend using a fever-reducing medication such as paracetamol (Calpol or Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Nurofen or Advil).

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Other medicines, like aspirin, are not recommended in children. Follow the dosage instructions carefully. It's best to record the time and amount you've given medicines.

Contact your Doctor if You're Concerned

If your baby is under 3 months old and has a fever, or if they have any other symptoms such as difficulty breathing or a rash, it's important to contact your doctor right away. In general, it's a good idea to contact your doctor if you're concerned about your baby's fever or if it lasts for more than a few days.

Overall, fever with shivering in babies is a common symptom that can be managed at home with some simple measures. However, if you're concerned about your baby's fever or if it's accompanied by other symptoms, it's always best to contact your doctor for advice.

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Disclaimer: This article is for education purposes and does not constitute medical advice. You should seek advice from a trained medical professional if you have concerns about your child’s health.

Written by Gemma Jones
Family Doctor
Hi I'm an NHS GP and mum to two beautiful kids Sam and Eddie.

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