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Oct 18, 2023

Recognising Early Signs of Autism in Toddlers and Babies

Are you a parent or caregiver of a young child and concerned about the early signs …
Oct 18, 2023
Aug 10, 2023

Why does my child keep getting worms?

Learn about worm infections in kids; why some children get recurrent infections, how to treat them, …
Aug 10, 2023
Jul 8, 2023

Children's Average Shoe Size by Age UK

This handy guide shows you a shoe size chart and fitting guide, so you'll know which …
Jul 8, 2023
May 28, 2023

7 Key Stages of Crawling: A Comprehensive Guide

Crawling is an important milestone for babies as it helps them develop crucial physical and cognitive …
May 28, 2023
Apr 23, 2023

How much sugar should a child have a day?

Sugars are a source of quick-release energy that can be found in many of the foods …
Apr 23, 2023
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